Requiem For A Periodically Lost Friendship
Just the title/subject of this blog should suffice to bring added moisture to one’s eye. The departure of true friendship is never easy to swallow (my knowledge on this subject has grown exponentially over the past couple of months (see blog history)) both parties are usually left in turmoil, and lots of pain, that’s the natural thing about the break. The unnatural is the void that comes when thinking about the other love one; it is as if the memories to which this person was tied to never happened. You can’t reminisce peacefully about past times because it feels illegal to do so, it feels wrong, and causes great sadness. Disbelief is the other part that feels unnatural with the break; “how could he (she) do it, doesn’t he (she) feels the need that I feel, or see the potential for greatness that exist, doesn’t the friendship count, don’t I count, I can’t believe this”.
Dealing with the lost is not easy; you have to use every trick in your repertoire to yank yourself out of the grief. I’ve found it quiet useful to hide the hurt for a bit (denial), let it show for a bit (blog), wallow in it for a bit (depression), then analyze the good from it (go Zen), and forgetting about it (party). The length of time I spend in each phase is determined by a very complex formula that includes variables like my social environment, my state of happiness in comparison to other parts of my life, and current music playlist. I do all this while sticking to the routine of life (talk with freinds, breath in and out, eat), because the routine forces you not to give up. I repeat the cycle as needed until I consider myself cure.
Dealing with the lost is not easy; you have to use every trick in your repertoire to yank yourself out of the grief. I’ve found it quiet useful to hide the hurt for a bit (denial), let it show for a bit (blog), wallow in it for a bit (depression), then analyze the good from it (go Zen), and forgetting about it (party). The length of time I spend in each phase is determined by a very complex formula that includes variables like my social environment, my state of happiness in comparison to other parts of my life, and current music playlist. I do all this while sticking to the routine of life (talk with freinds, breath in and out, eat), because the routine forces you not to give up. I repeat the cycle as needed until I consider myself cure.
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