Monday, November 29, 2004

End of the World 101?

While discussing THIS VERY THOUGHT PROVOKING topic with a dear, sweet, friend of mine, I’ve come to realize that my feelings about the subject matter were never made clear to me. I mean while discussing the issue, I came to a logical conclusion. The conclusion, mind you, is one that I don’t particularly like, nor feel comfortable with; however, it’s the logical one, and I came to it by my lonesome.

Will the world end at some point? Yes, it will. Simple as that, this world that we now enjoy will become a massive graveyard at one point or another. Why you must be asking, why do I think that the world will end? Well, from the very beginning of history men have been in conflict. Remember Kane and Abel if you will. The world has never known a prolonged period of peace. Think about your history lessons. Now that we have weapons capable of creating death on a cataclysmic scale, it is only a matter of time before death is made widespread. The bible predicts it, the dinosaurs experienced it, and so it is inevitable.
Now that we know it will come, maybe the next question is, what is so bad about death? Why are we so afraid of dying?


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