Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Why do I think so much? I swear, I think about the reaction that’s going to come from almost every action. I often can see what’s going to come from it, though sometimes I won’t benefit from the outcome, I still follow the original course of action. Why do I do that you ask? Well, many factors come to play, it’s whether or not I am enjoying the present, and whether my current enjoyment rank higher than the pain that will settle in later. It goes the opposite way too; sometimes I endure the tribulation, with the expectation of great rewards. I think many people see religion as such; it’s a system that causes you to suffer now, with the expectation for eternal joy. It’s like going to the gym, pumping iron, and feeling good afterwards. Only with religion, in the afterlife it will be an eternal ‘good feeling’, you’ll have a forever lasting six-pac or eight-pac with lots of girls thinking you look great. I don’t think we were meant to suffer on earth in order to find comfort in the forever after. There has to be a balance between the now, and the life that is to come when you are without breath.


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