Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Johnny & Erica

He had chocked on it, it was the first time the paramedics had seen anything like that, Johnny had chocked on vomit. Not his own vomit, but his girlfriend’s. On the night of December 31st the two teens rented a room at ShareEthan. During the early hours of the night, they coerced a homeless person into purchasing a large quantity of alcohol. No much is now between the time of purchase until the time of death. However, it can be deduced that the following course of action took place. Erica and Johnny were intimate, she performed oral sex, and they both consumed a large amount of alcohol. It is believed that Johnny lost consciousness and Erica proceeded to kiss the young man, sometimes between her spreading his lips, and her losing consciousness herself, Erica forcefully vomited in Johnny’s open mouth. The main item in the melee of white mucus, semen, and repugnant green semi-digested food believed to be responsible in clogging Johnny’s esophagus was a piece of un-chewed meat.


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