Monday, May 16, 2005

How Much

How much of yourself can you give?

Give me more, more, and more.  That seems to be the way it works.  Satisfaction is something that is completely unreachable when it comes to certain relations.  A woman gives up her body by giving birth to a child, and the child still demands, and expect from the mother, sixteen, twenty, thirty-five years after he/she escaped her womb.  How is it possible that she, the mother, continues to provide for the child without care for her own needs?  It is quiet simple; she loves the child.  How much of yourself can you really give when love is not involved?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck love. You can give a whole lot of yourself whenever you feel so inclined. Don't need no damn love.

Plus, theres a whole lot to be given from other 'emotions'/states of being like hate, or devotion or pride or boredom.

Love sucks, and i'm not saying that because i'm not in love and i've had my heart broken several times

Mon May 16, 10:17:00 PM EDT  

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