Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Intoxication, I don’t know what the formal definition is; let’s look it up!

1. To stupefy or excite by the action of a chemical substance such as alcohol.
2. To stimulate or excite: “a man whom life intoxicates, who has no need of wine” (Anaïs Nin).
3. To poison.
4. To cause stupefaction, stimulation, or excitement by or as if by use of a chemical

So it’s absolutely ok to use the term when referring to how anything, or anyone make you feel. It seems that ‘lost of control’ is the most appropriate definition for it. It is true that chemical substances need to be present. It may not be contain in a glass, or in a pill, or in a syringe, but it is present. For example, the slight feeling of euphoria one feels when they come in contact with a love one, or attend a concert, or come in first place at the Tour de France, is caused by chemicals that your brain releases. In short, your love ones are your drug dealers; so for the next anniversary is ok to give your sweetheart a card with a picture of you shooting up with them standing over you, while steadily saying “good boy, good boy”.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

stupefy was the word i took the most from there, whether its love or liquor, it kills brain cells! :) kisses

Tue Jul 26, 09:42:00 AM EDT  

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