Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Last night prior to the sandman’s arrival, my brain was taken with creating lives for the characters whose habitat is my own head. Unfortunately I was unable to capture the history they were making due the lack of options that exist to document true and false events alike when one is on his side, back, or front. I’ve heard about the “astronaut” pen, but still that would have required that I demand disengagement from the restful position my tendons, bones, and muscles were in; that would be unsatisfactory, for the solution that I seek, that I need, must allow total freedom from any travail. What on earth could you desire my young lad, you inquire; I covet the materialization of a thought-writer. The obliteration of any misleading paths demands that I state my vision for this unproven solution with the highest of clarity. Hence, here goes, a thought, and a writer.


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