Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My Road

God, you are a great guy/gal; the path you’ve designed suits me so well that I stand speechless admiring the curves engraved in the fabric of the land. I don’t know what’s at the other end, but I mean to enjoy every turn. All the tools you handed me, and all the scares you’ve given me are necessary for my ending in the place you want, for my becoming one with my beginning. Even if I could know the outcome, I would decide not to, cause this here is better than ice cream.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Quote That

“With all these crazy scenarios running through my head, I feel like I am entertaining myself quiet well”

“I just want to be the best part of your day, everyday”

“Love lost is better than lost love”

“I am so in like with you”

“You are her ‘dick in a jar’, solely necessary in case of emergency”

“Whatever tickles your pickle”

“I crushed my nuts with a hammer so she wouldn’t eat them”

“She just became un-pretty”

“The only thing and impotent man can do is fuck”

“A wedding is death disguised in pretty flowers”

“When does the beginning of forever start”

“Thinking is my favorite pastime”

“You will fall for him/her when he/she is not looking”

“Sleeping is better than sex, but never take sleep over sex”

“If it’s wet and not yours, don’t touch it”

“Love is a tag team thing”

“Until death do us part; I am single after that”

“Flirting is good for the spirit, sex is good for the body, and love is good for the soul”

“I know a chef who’s a stripper; she took the sure rout to my heart by fattening me up”

“You would be fun if I were drunk”

I am Hungry

I am hungry. It’s the regular hunger you feel when you don’t provide your body with nourishment. It’s not a metaphor for anything fancy, it’s simple, it’s hunger. I didn’t have dinner yesterday; I did have lunch, but not dinner, and no breakfast this morning. I am hungry. This is the way a good part of the world feels most of the time. I want to understand it, so I am not going to eat. I am hungry. It’s a painful feeling, it hurts, it’s debilitating, it’s heavy, you can’t push it away easily, you can’t focus on something else while it’s knocking in you, and its constant. How are kids supposed to learn in school when they feel the way I am feeling now? I am hungry. Water doesn’t do a damn thing to take it away. I am hungry. You should try it sometimes; it may show you things. I am choosing to be hungry; I am doing this with the knowledge of my having multiple options to find food at any point. I can’t imagine not having these options, I can’t imagine how that could affect me, I don’t want to imagine. I am hungry.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Silky Oils

It seems like I have the gift for prompting people to actions when stillness of emotions or constant fading feelings settles in the basin of their hearts. The recognition of the willingly forgotten is demanded, and upon the discovery, actions take shape, and lives are reformed. It seems like I bring warm silky oils to troubled web of entanglements, thus enabling the spawning of new links. I want to see myself as such, because anything else would surely cause me to vomit. Who wants to be known for awakening pain, and summoning annihilation?

Talking about the known known (yes, something you know that you know) is so much easier than to act upon it. It’s very much like a junky who knows he/she has to quit, but can’t act upon that undeniable fact. I am like your high price rehab center, or your constant mirror. I carry a lot of the guilt, but the knowledge of freedom found by others allows me to continue.