Monday, July 10, 2006


Forcing yourself to close the gap between the ugliness that lays in you, and the dream you would like to be-

The amputation is highly necessary, and simultaneously, as painful as pulling one’s own tooth with dirty pliers. The infection is bound to happen, the healing will take years, and the scare that will serve as a permanent reminder will force the area to be less responsive to… everything.

Virtual insanity is no longer on the horizon; it is now at the door, begging to get in. It is begging like a new born infant needing the mom’s juice, begging like a wounded dog out in the storm, it is begging. You must be Heart-Less to ignore this infant/dog; you must have placed your ticker in a pawnshop, in some low place for you needed the funds at high time, and it, time, wasn’t on your side.


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