Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I am riding a coaster, with one yes it’s complete agony, and with another yes joy is pouring out of me. This swing of emotions let me know that I am alive, yet at the time is killing me.

“Driving has never been so painful, listening to the road at first, the almost complete silence engulfing me, magnifying the ache that started in the pit of my stomach. I hadn’t felt that way in a long time, but I did not forget the feeling. It’s impossible to forget it because it scars you for life, and whenever you see it, you know what it is. So, making my way down the road, thinking about what I had just witnessed, what I knew was going to take place; the gathering would get smaller, the light would get dimmer, he would get closer, and the need would drive her. In that setting, things would take place, things I didn’t want to think about, but things I knew too well. I am gripping the wheel really tightly, I want to break it, and I want to destroy something just so that I can feel ok, I need to relax. I relax, and my mind goes back to the apartment, her skirt, her eyes, and the answer that stared back at me when I queried them; “yes, I am going to do this”. I close my eyes while driving, and open them again, I didn’t hit anything, but the state trooper behind me had turned on his red and blue, I looked at my speedometer and I was 20 over.”

Thursday, May 26, 2005

What a Book

"He was thinking about how things had change, as if the roles were reversed. Things had gotten harder for him, cause his feelings had bloomed, and he no longer had control. He was looking at her, and trying to hear her too, but she said nothing while moving under him, nothing, not a single thing. He had known that something had happen, she had been discovered by some other, or others; these potential imposters had traveled through her land, raping, and pillaging. He could feel it, because he was walking the same path they had. In the silence of his thoughts, the kept thinking that he’ll make it, he’ll make it, he had done so before, so he’ll do it again, he will make it."

Some stuff speak out loud when they are read.

Still No Name

I’ve learn some new tricks while you were gone
In your present absence I am hmm, done
I discovered a world of hurt
I could even no longer flirt
Some things cold and dreary entered my body
T’was thin, green, strong, and evil like money
Forcing me to miss your smell
Annoying me like I can’t tell
I never wanted to dismiss your ways
Now I know death, it must feel this way
You had to be gone for me to see this
But while I was near, you were living this
I was distant while I hugged you
You drifted off like a bayou
My understanding was not standing
I caused you to wait there, pending
Not knowing where to put your love
Cause I flew like an un-caged dove
Now I am aware of loneliness
It hugs me like my selfishness
I can’t complain
Created this mess
Thought up the stain
I crave cleanliness
I can’t find my breath
I am slowly dying
Get closer to death
Without your caring

It's coming along fine as you can see, but still no idea as to what I am going to market it as. Here is your chance for something big, c'mon, help out.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Name Me

I’ve learn some new tricks while you were gone
With your present absence I am alone
I discovered a world of hurt
My life started to taste like dirt
Some things cold and dreary entered my body
It’s thin, green, strong, and evil like money
Forcing me to miss your smell
Annoying me like I can’t tell
I never wanted to miss your ways
Now I know death, it feels that way
You had to be gone for me to see this
But while I was near, you were living this
I was distant while I hugged you
You drifted off like a bayou

I don't think I am done with this one, but a start is better than nothing. Give me suggestion for the name, I'd like that.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Dating Process

I’ve never dated; yet, I’ve never found obstacles in obtaining a "girlfriend". I know it sounds bad, but it really isn’t, they do the obtaining, I just do the accepting. Going back to the original point, dating is not necessary for love to bloom; au contraire, dating puts pressure on the individuals, forcing unwanted, unplanned actions to take place. Instead of thinking about the dinner outing as a date, think of it as a friendly outing, and automatically the pressure goes off. It is similar to giving a presentation to crowded room, when standing up you feel naked, but when you sit down everything is fine. So, it’s really a mind set, thinking of the other person as a regular-platonic-friend-in-the-making takes away the thought of you wanting to be over, or under them as some point in the future; thus, taking away the possibility of you acting like a complete idiot.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I was looking at an old man today, the way he moved, the way he took extreme care with every step, and I started wondering what will it feel like when I am obsolete, when I am no longer needed, when people will want to put you to the side because you are moving too slow. We seldom spend time thinking about the coming of this guaranteed death, and that forces us to lose focus on so many things that are important. The ability to breath on one’s own should not be regarded lightly, because many people need help to just inhale. So, the next time you think life is unfair because you are not getting what you want, think about the fact that you have the ability to fight for something else. I think that’s enough of the deep stuff for now.

Many man are breast man, I happen to not be part of that group, yet I still want a girl to have perky, perfect, nice, plum breasts. It’s more for the visual effect than anything else. I am not one to squeeze a breast, I rather like to hold them gingerly and look at them. I know if I start squeezing now, later they will eventually sag. This brings me to a major point; will I be jealous of my kids when they start squeezing, and sucking the living daylight out of my wife’s breast? Will I be able to stand by, and not instruct them on the etiquette of proper breast sucking? They will be messing with one of my price possessions, you wouldn’t let your kid hit your car with a hammer, why would you let them destroy the only pair of breast your are allowed to look at, play with, and enjoy for the rest of your life? I’ll have to find an answer to that, I will have to use the power of others to come up with a solution.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Breakdown

Males give up a lot for the joy of climaxing while in the presence of a member of the opposite sex. If aliens were to look at the events that takes place prior to the eruptions of ‘’Oh’s” and “Ha’s” in the weird hours of the morning, they would conclude that the male gender of this earthly species is gravely derange.
Equality is something that is forgotten when it comes to the tango of the horizontal mambo jumbo (for the most part). My question is; is it really worth the trouble? Most man would tell you that lying next to a woman is the closest to heaven they will ever be, and for many it might as well be heaven because they have done everything possible to ensure a ticket for that lake of fire. Regardless of the emotional strain that may follow, and/or financial hardship that may come, some men will pursue a woman just so that they can feel alive for a few seconds. What happens after the climax is the part of the relationship that is often neglected. If people went into the pursuit of the gold with a full view of things prior, and after the mounting of that mountain, many would opt not to make the journey. I think that’s why nature forces us to be blind, and not realize the aftermath prior to the first step.

Monday, May 16, 2005

How Much

How much of yourself can you give?

Give me more, more, and more.  That seems to be the way it works.  Satisfaction is something that is completely unreachable when it comes to certain relations.  A woman gives up her body by giving birth to a child, and the child still demands, and expect from the mother, sixteen, twenty, thirty-five years after he/she escaped her womb.  How is it possible that she, the mother, continues to provide for the child without care for her own needs?  It is quiet simple; she loves the child.  How much of yourself can you really give when love is not involved?